Pilar Samper
It seems only yesterday when I opened the notary here in Benetusser, but nevertheless, more than 17 years have passed. I arrived with the experience I had acquired from my previous posts in Mora De Rubielos and Viver, and with the help of “my stalwarts”, that is to say my family, we set about the task of building up a notary from scratch.
Fortunately today I am surrounded by a magnificent team whose efforts and dedication are primarily geared to listening to the customer, to find out their worries in such a way that the document we draw up serves to solve their problems and fulfils their wishes.
On a personal level, every single day I apply all my efforts to follow the estimable advice of Ambrosio Aranda, a retired Notary, who during the inauguration of my first notary, and with the aim of instilling into us the idea of honouring our profession, urged us to continue studying (as study was the basis for all else)and to be wise and fair. “In this way”, he told us “you will feel proud and useful”. This is, in my opinion, the greatest reward that a Notary can aspire to.